Saturday, March 28, 2009

"A stitch to wear"

Finished up my rpm socks this morning. In an homage to Aija Goto's image from Knitty. . .

. . .pictured with my Smiths 12" singles that I've had since high school.

Pattern: rpm from Knitty
Yarn: Socks that Rock Lightweight, color Carbon
Needles: size 1 40" circular, magically-looped
Modifications: I followed the directions for the large size but used smaller needles and a finer yarn. I made short-row heels using my usual method rather than following the pattern's directions.

I went with grafted rather than round toes, which apparently smell interesting

These turned out pretty great!

1 comment:

snap! said...

Suzy has been bugging me to keep an eye out for Smiths records while I'm digging through the creates. No dice! Tis hard to part with a good LP.