Saturday, May 30, 2009

fini finito finished

After I won the battle of the sleeves, ma Pluie Pullover turned out pretty well:

Pattern: Pluie Pullover by Teva Durham from Knitscene Winter/Spring 2009, mostly followed the directions for the 38 1/2" bust size
Yarn: Rowan Cotton Tape in Electric, approx 7 50g balls
Needles: size 15 Knitpicks Options wood 40" circ, size 17 to bind off

The yarn was resurrected from a sweater that I knit a couple years ago and never wore. I learned from that fail that Cotton Tape stretches out really fast. I think this pullover can handle it, though.

Other than my yarn substitution, my biggest change was in the sleeves, worked out through a great deal of trial and error and quite a few episodes of the original Star Trek series. . . To start each sleeve, I ended up picking up and knitting 12 stitches for the underarm instead of 6. Then, I did not do any increases and just knit until I got to the length I wanted. I only made three eyelets per sleeve and ended with 4 rounds in stockinette.


Unknown said...

Hi, Linda, I am making this sweater now and am having a horrible time figuring out how to do the non-increasing eyelets. I was wondering if you recall and if you could explain it to me? Yours turned out beautiful. I would appreciate it so much if you could offer any suggestions. Find me on Ravelry Thanks so much!

linda said...

Hi Teresa,
Thanks for visiting my blog! I left you a message on Ravelry that will (hopefully) explain how I did the non-increasing eyelets.